
I am a third-year PhD student between the Gepetto team at LAAS-CNRS, and the WILLOW team of Inria Paris, under the supervision of Nicolas Mansard and Justin Carpentier.

Previously, I obtained an engineering degree from École polytechnique, in the Paris area, and a master's degree in applied mathematics and CS (MVA) from École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay.

My work focuses on optimization and control for robotics.

aligator release

We have released our nonlinear trajectory optimization library aligator.
Check out the repo here.

proxsuite-nlp release

We have publicly released our nonlinear programming library proxsuite-nlp.

New preprint

We have submitted a new journal paper, PROXDDP: Proximal Constrained Trajectory Optimization.

Check out our preprint here.

ICRA 2023 paper

Our paper Enforcing the consensus between Trajectory Optimization and Policy Learning for precise robot control (authored by Quentin le Lidec) was accepted at ICRA 2023.

IROS 2022 paper

Our paper Constrained Differential Dynamic Programming: A primal-dual augmented Lagrangian approach has been accepted at IROS 2022.

Check out the preprint here.

ICRA 2022 paper

Our paper Implicit Differential Dynamic Programming has been accepted at ICRA 2022! Check out the final version here.